Most of these need no explanation or introduction. (At least they shouldn't if I've done my job right!) I have sketchbooks filled with these. Who were they originally done for, you may ask. Me, I'd answer, though some were paid gigs.

11/29/14 A new character - FLANGE! I wonder what kind of misadventures he'll fall into…

WOW! A Blast from the Past!
I recently uncovered some VERY old sketchbooks of mine, much to my amusement. I thought I'd share a page so you could see what a young teenager drew like. (Eh, not much better today)
If I can bear it, I'll post some more, just for the fun. Enjoy!
And, no, I don't remember this characters name. I think it was my updating of Flash Gordon. And ironically, I wrote the Sunday Flash Gordon newspaper strip back in the 90s!

Sept 26, 2014


The above actually saw print in a DC Comic as part of the formerly illustrious WHO'S WHO series back in the 80s. I did a few others (if I can find copies!) Masterful inking by Karl Kesel.